HEAD OF TEAM : Dr. Megawati Zunita, S.Si., M.Si.
TEAM MEMBERS : I Gede Wenten, Ph.D.,Yuda Satria Syafii, and Firmansyah Agil Saputra
OFFICIAL ADDRESS : Chemical Engineering Program, Labtek X, ITB Ganesha Campus
Email : m.zunita@che.itb.ac.id

Biofouling is one of the major problems that hamper the application of membrane processes. Biofouling causes performance deterioration and higher energy consumption due to membrane pore blockage. In addition, it also results in a higher cleaning frequency and a shorter membrane lifetime which increases membrane operating and maintenance cost. Preparation or modification of membrane with antibacterial properties has been considered as one of the attractive strategies to control biofouling. Recently, the combination of polymeric with biocidal materials has attracted a great attention in the preparation of antibacterial membrane. A lot of metal oxide nanoparticles which have biocidal characteristics have been used to prepare nanocomposite membrane with remarkable antibacterial properties and significant biofouling reduction. According to studies that have been reported, the enhancement of anti-biofouling of the membrane was due to an interaction between the metal oxides and microorganism on the membrane surface which prevents biofilm formation. The enhancement of metal oxide nanoparticles antibacterial effect has been studied, including the elaboration of nanostructured oxide consisting of two or metallic components. In this research, the metal oxide-based antibacterial membrane is comprehensively studied. In addition, mechanism of metal oxide particles in preventing biofilm formation will be learned.
