Adapted from the site FTI

Bandung, Saturday, November 24, 2018, located in West Hall of ITB, Jln. Ganesha No. 10, starting at 09:00 – 11:00 WIB, the Professor of the Bandung Institute of Technology held an ITB Professor’s Scientific Oration event.On this occasion, Professor Herri Susanto from the FTI ITB Chemical Engineering Study Program was given the opportunity to deliver his scientific speech with the title: “Development of Gasification Technology to Support Energy Independence and the Chemical Industry”.This scientific oration is an academic responsibility and commitment to a position as a Professor in the field of Gasification.

(the book Scientific Oration material can be downloaded here).

This book was compiled from our experience in research at the Chemical Engineering Laboratory ITB, since 1978 in the JTA-9a Project. Research in the laboratory to date has produced eight Doctors, as well as several Masters and many Bachelor of Engineering in the field of biomass gasification. We also conveyed the experience of applying biomass gasification technology for electricity in several regions in Indonesia. In the last half of this book, we submit a number of proposals for the use of biomass and coal, not only as a renewable energy source, but also as a source of chemical raw material.

Based on the consideration that the research and development of biomass gasification technology has been pioneered for a long time, the information in this book is copied in accordance with what is written in scientific papers, implementation technical reports and studies on the utilization of gasification technology at the relevant time. Please understand if some data and information are less accurate or less relevant at this time.

Hopefully this book can encourage researchers at ITB to continue to develop gasification technology, given the natural resources of biomass and coal have not been utilized properly. Although with a brief description, the substance of this book is also expected to be used by stakeholders in Indonesia in an effort to lead to the sovereignty of energy and raw materials for the chemical industry.

The event was attended by former ITB Chancellor, Prof.Ir. Wiranto Arismunandar, leader and member of the ITB Professor Forum, FTI teaching staff especially from the Chemical Engineering Study Program, students, other invitees and families.
