Chemical Engineering Program, Faculty of Industrial Technology, Institut Teknologi Bandung again held the International Seminar on Chemical Engineering Soehadi Reksowardojo (STKSR) 2022 in eastern Indonesia. This year, ITB collaborated with Pattimura University (UNPATTI), Ambon, in the performance which was held on 9-10 August 2022. This year’s STKSR was held in a mixed manner at the UNPATTI campus, in Ambon.
STKSR Seminar is an annual seminar held by the Chemical Engineering Program of ITB to honor the contribution of Prof. Soehadi Reksowardojo on the early development of chemical engineering higher education in Indonesia. This year’s STKSR carries a topic related to technology development in island countries. The seminar entitled “Building Indonesia Through The Development of Appropriate Technology for Archipelagic Country” invited the Director General of New, Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation (EBTKE), Dadan Kusdiana, as a keynote speaker. This international seminar was also attended by key speakers from abroad, namely Prof. Dr. Iftekar Abubakar Karimi (NUS, Singapore), Prof. Guoqing Guan (Hirosaki University, Japan), and Dr. eng. Muhammad Aziz (The University of Tokyo, Japan), as well as keynote speakers from Indonesia, namely Dr. Ir. I.G.B. Ngurah Makertihartha (ITB) and Ir. Jaya Wahono (Clean Power Indonesia).
The international seminar which was opened by the Deputy Record of Research and Innovation of ITB, Prof. Ir. I Gede Wenten, M.Sc., Ph.D. This event was also enlivened by regional arts performed by Unpatti students. Interestingly, the enthusiasm of the researchers to attend this international seminar was also quite high. The chairman of the committee for the 2022 STKSR seminar, Dr. Jenny Rizkiana (ITB), reported that there are around 200 scientific papers that will be presented at this seminar by researchers from within the country and abroad. Participants from abroad who also present their research results include Hirosaki University and Swinburne University of Technology. The research topics presented are also very interesting, which include Bioenergy and Alternative Energy, Food Engineering and Technology, Bioprocess Engineering, Chemurgy and Bio-based Materials, Advanced Science and Materials, Separation Technology, Process Simulation, Industrial Application, Reaction and Control Engineering. , and Chemical Engineering Education. In the future, Chemical Engineering ITB will hold similar activities by cooperating with other partners as part of ITB’s contribution to the development of the academic atmosphere on other campuses.