Collaboration with PT Paragon Technology and Innovation in conducting TK4104 lecture on Chemical Product Design. In Semester I-2019/2020, PT Paragon Technology and Innovation delivered guest lecture material covering Marketing, Product Development, Product formulation, and giving design projects with various cosmetic product topics, including Body care, Hair care, Sensitive Skin Care, Skin care and Makeup. To date, three guest meetings have been held: 17 October 2019 with the topic of company profile and Design Concept (Billy Dharmawan Goputra, ST, Reza Hafidz Sukamto, ST, Nur Fitri Anggraini Sujana, SPsi), 24 October 2019 with the topic Marketting (Mario Kristiono, ST), and 31 October 2019 with the topic Product Development & Packaging (Natasha Andrea Winata, ST and Agnes Afikah, ST). Along with the next guest lecture material, the lecture will enter the implementation of the design project. The design project is carried out in groups (5 to 6 students per group) with a target of product prototypes ready to be demonstrated at the end of this semester.